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QOF Assessor Reports Generation Project

Home | Downloads

Note: if you used the software in 2005/06 and have not disabled or uninstalled it, then the new reports will be downloaded automatically; there is no need to re-install the software for the 2006/07 reports. New users please read on for installation instructions

  Download a slide show of the installation process
(PowerPoint is required to view the slide show or a suitable viewer can be downloaded from here)
  Or alternatively, download installation instructions
(A suitable viewer can be downloaded from here)

Installers for QOF Assessor Validation Reports Software



These instructions will guide you through the process of downloading and installing the QOF Assessor Validation Report Generation Software and Wizard from the Apollo QOF website and installing it onto a workstation at the GP practice.

The software must NOT be loaded onto the clinical server. A high specification workstation at the practice will suffice. Whilst the software is designed to run on a modest hardware platform, better performance will be experienced from using a higher specification workstation (ideally the Practice Manager’s or Practice IT Manager’s workstation).

Key points

  1. A workstation with a minimum of Excel 97 loaded (Excel 2000 or above is preferable) and that meets the requirements below should be selected. Excel is a mandatory component of the QOF solution.
  2. The QOF software must be loaded onto one workstation only.
  3. For non-EMIS GP practices the selected workstation and clinical server must be left switched on and logged in to Windows at all times, including weekends, to ensure the QOF reports are able to run automatically. To maintain security on this workstation, a password-protected screensaver can be set up.
  4. The workstation loaded with the QOF software, for housekeeping purposes, should be rebooted on a regular basis.
  5. Please also ensure, if you are using INPS Vision or iSoft Premiere, you have access to the clinical system and network administrator passwords and user names.
  6. If the practice has a branch, the software must be loaded on a workstation at the site where the clinical server is located.

To be valid for the use with this project the selected workstation must meet the following specification:

  • Access to the practice GP clinical system
  • Access to the internet and email
  • Microsoft Excel 97 or higher (2000 or above is preferable)
  • A minimum of Windows Win 95 operating system (Win 2000 or above is preferable)
  • A minimum of 64Mb RAM
  • A minimum of 200Mb hard disk space free

The practice clinical system must also be on the latest version of Read Codes as provided by their GP clinical supplier.

Depending on the speed of internet connection installed at the GP practice, the software may take between 10 minutes to 2 hours to download. Please allow enough time for the download to complete.

If you feel the download will take too long due to the speed of your GP practice connection, please request an installation CD from the download page for your specific clinical system on this website.

We recommend you add this website to the “favourites” list in your web browser. If you are using Internet Explorer this can be done by selecting “Favourites” at the top of your browser, then selecting “Add to favourites” and then “Ok”.

When the Apollo QOF software is first installed by the GP practice the initial automatic reporting window is set to 9am to 7pm every Sunday. Depending on run times for reports, if any reports are not run during this window, the outstanding reports will automatically be carried forward to the next day and will be run between 2am and 7am. This process will be repeated until all reports have been run successfully.

If you wish to alter this reporting window, please follow the instructions on scheduling report runs on this website.

Before downloading the Apollo QOF software please check you clinical system to ensure it contains your unique practice ID as used for QMAS as this is used during the installation process to validate the practice installing the software.

Section 1 covers installation for:

INPS Vision 3 (excluding Vision Enterprise)

iSoft Premiere, Synergy and System 6000

Section 2 covers installation for:


Section 3 covers installation for:


Section 4 covers installation for:

INPS Vision Enterprise - to follow

Section 5 covers installation for:

Microtest Practice Manager 2

Section 1

  • Vision 3 (excluding Vision Enterprise)
  • iSoft Premiere, Synergy and System 6000

The following screen will be displayed:

Screenshot of downloads page

It is important you read the introduction followed by the installation instructions for your clinical system. A copy of these instructions can also be downloaded from the above link.

At the bottom of this web page are the links to the download for each clinical system:

Screenshot of foot of downloads page

After reading the install instructions click on the link for your GP clinical system.

After selecting your GP clinical system, the following screen will be displayed for the system you selected (INPS Vision 3 in the selection below):

Screenshot of Vision download page

On this screen there are 2 options for download.

For GP practices with high-speed connections (faster than 128kbps) select the “Download installer” icon to download the software. On connections of this size it should take between 5 - 30 minutes to receive the file.

For GP practices with a connection (equal to or slower than than 128kbps) select the “Download Apollo client” icon. This will download the “Apollo Download Manager”.

It may take up to 2 hours to download the installation file across slow connections (equal to or slower than 128kbps). The Download Manager ensures that if the connection is lost, it can be reinstated at the point it was lost so the GP practice does not have to re-download all the data received up to that point.

When the download of the Manager is complete it automatically downloads the installation file.

Depending on the local set up of the workstation, when clicking on the selected download icon, you may be asked if you want to “Save” or “Open” the file.

Screenshot of IE open/save file dialog

If this screen is displayed simply, click on “Open” (this software is from a trusted source and is fully virus checked)

Next, a download progress bar will be displayed:

Screenshot of IE progress screen

The size of the file will depend on which clinical system the download is for.

If you selected the “Download Apollo Client” option, when it has downloaded you will see the Manager download bar:

Screenshot of Apollo Download Client progress screen

If, whilst this is downloading, your internet connection is lost, simply repeat the steps above to restart the download from the point the connection was lost.

When the download is complete, the installation will automatically start and the following screen will be displayed:

Screenshot of installer welcome screen

Click “OK”

The following “ Performing install” screens will be displayed in turn, no action is required while they are displayed:

Screenshot of installer stage 1 of 5

At this stage, if you are using the iSoft Premiere clinical system, you will be asked for your Premiere administrator password as shown below:

Screenshot of login screen

Please enter your iSoft Premiere “SYSDBA” password. If you do not know this password, ask your system administrator.

Screenshot of installer stage 2 of 5

Screenshot of installer stage 3 of 5

Screenshot of installer stage 4 of 5

Screenshot of installer stage 5 of 5

It should be noted that due to differing install processes the number of these “Performing installation” screens may vary between clinical systems.

When the above steps have completed the following screen will be displayed:

Screenshot of final installer screen

Click on “Finish” and re-start the workstation.

It should be noted that the clinical server and workstation loaded with this QOF software MUST remain switched on at all times and logged into Windows, including over the weekend, to ensure the QOF reports are able to run automatically. To maintain security on this workstation, a password-protected screensaver can be set up.

The workstation loaded with the QOF software, for housekeeping purposes, should be rebooted on a regular basis.

You are now ready to start using the QOF Wizard. Please refer to the QOF Wizard operating instructions

Section 2

  • EMIS GV and PCS

Over the coming weeks EMIS will be patching the Apollo QOF Software directly to practices. When this happens at your practice you will be notified via the usual EMIS patch “bulletin”:

Only follow the instructions below when you are ready to use the Apollo QOF Wizard to view the automatically run QOF reports, run manual reports and/or e-mail the reports to the QOF Lead at your PCT.

On the chosen workstation, open the web browser and go to this website.

The following screen will be displayed:

Screenshot of downloads page

It is important you read the introduction followed by the installation instructions for your clinical system. A copy of these instructions can also be downloaded from the above link.

At the bottom of this web page are the links to the download for each clinical system:

Screenshot of foot of downloads page

After reading the install instructions click on the link for your GP clinical system.

After selecting your GP clinical system, the following screen will be displayed for the system you selected (EMIS GV in the selection below):

Screenshot of GV download page

On this screen there are 2 options for download.

For GP practices with high-speed connections (faster than 128kbps) select the “Download installer” icon to download the software. On connections of this size it should take between 5 - 30 minutes to receive the file.

For GP practices with a connection (equal to or slower than than 128kbps) select the “Download Apollo client” icon. This will download the “Apollo Download Manager”.

It may take up to 2 hours to download the installation file across slow connections (equal to or slower than 128kbps). The Download Manager ensures that if the connection is lost, it can be reinstated at the point it was lost so the GP practice does not have to re-download all the data received up to that point.

When the download of the Manager is complete it automatically downloads the installation file.

Depending on the local set up of the workstation, when clicking on the selected download icon, you may be asked if you want to “Save” or “Open” the file.

Screenshot of IE open/save file dialog

If this screen is displayed simply, click on “Open” (this software is from a trusted source and is fully virus checked)

Next, a download progress bar will be displayed:

Screenshot of IE progress screen

The size of the file will depend on which clinical system the download is for.

If you selected the “Download Apollo Client” option, when it has downloaded you will see the Manager download bar:

Screenshot of Apollo Download Client progress screen

If, whilst this is downloading, your internet connection is lost, simply repeat the steps above to restart the download from the point the connection was lost.

When the download is complete, the installation will automatically start and the following will be displayed:

Screenshot of installer welcome screen

Select “OK”

The following screens will be displayed in turn:

Screenshot of installer stage 1 of 3

If your practice is part of an EMIS multi-site practice the following screen will be displayed, showing a list of the practices at your location

Screenshot of select practice dialog:

If you see this screen, highlight your practice from the list by single left clicking on it and then select “OK”.

(NOTE: If you are not part of an EMIS multi-practice system the above screen will not be displayed and you will simply see the next screenshot below.)

The following will then be displayed in turn (no action required by practice as they are displayed):

Screenshot of installer stage 2 of 3

Screenshot of installer stage 3 of 3

After the install is completed the following screen will be displayed:

Screenshot of final installer screen

Select “Finish” and restart the workstation

For EMIS systems it is not necessary to leave a workstation switched on or logged in overnight or on the weekend.

You are now ready to start using the QOF Wizard. Please refer to the QOF Wizard operating instructions.

Section 3


On the chosen workstation, open the web browser and go to this website.

The following screen will be displayed:

Screenshot of downloads page

It is important you read the introduction followed by the installation instructions for your clinical system. A copy of these instructions can also be downloaded from the above link.

At the bottom of this web page are the links to the download for each clinical system:

Screenshot of foot of downloads page

After reading the install instructions click on the link for your GP clinical system.

After selecting your GP clinical system, the following screen will be displayed for the system you selected:

Screenshot of GV download page

On this screen there are 2 options for download.

For GP practices with high-speed connections (faster than 128kbps) select the “Download installer” icon to download the software. On connections of this size it should take between 5 - 30 minutes to receive the file.

For GP practices with a connection (equal to or slower than than 128kbps) select the “Download Apollo client” icon. This will download the “Apollo Download Manager”.

It may take up to 2 hours to download the installation file across slow connections (equal to or slower than 128kbps). The Download Manager ensures that if the connection is lost, it can be reinstated at the point it was lost so the GP practice does not have to re-download all the data received up to that point.

When the download of the Manager is complete it automatically downloads the installation file.

Depending on the local set up of the workstation, when clicking on the selected download icon, you may be asked if you want to “Save” or “Open” the file.

Screenshot of IE open/save file dialog

If this screen is displayed simply, click on “Open” (this software is from a trusted source and is fully virus checked)

Next, a download progress bar will be displayed:

Screenshot of IE progress screen

The size of the file will depend on which clinical system the download is for.

If you selected the “Download Apollo Client” option, when it has downloaded you will see the Manager download bar:

Screenshot of Apollo Download Client progress screen

If, whilst this is downloading, your internet connection is lost, simply repeat the steps above to restart the download from the point the connection was lost.

When the download is complete, the installation will automatically start and the following will be displayed:

Screenshot of installer welcome screen

Select “OK”

The following screens will be displayed in turn:

Screenshot of installer stage 1 of 3

If your practice is part of an EMIS multi-site practice the following screen will be displayed, showing a list of the practices at your location

Screenshot of select practice dialog:

If you see this screen, highlight your practice from the list by single left clicking on it and then select “OK”.

(NOTE: If you are not part of an EMIS multi-practice system the above screen will not be displayed and you will simply see the next screenshot below.)

The following will then be displayed in turn (no action required by practice as they are displayed):

Screenshot of installer stage 2 of 3

Screenshot of installer stage 3 of 3

After the install is completed the following screen will be displayed:

Screenshot of final installer screen

Select “Finish” and restart the workstation

For EMIS systems it is not necessary to leave a workstation switched on or logged in overnight or on the weekend.

You are now ready to start using the QOF Wizard. Please refer to the QOF Wizard operating instructions.

Section 4

  • INPS Vision Enterprise

These instructions to follow shortly

Section 5

  • Microtest Practice Manager 2

Please visit the Microtest Apollo Interface page before installing to make sure you have the latest Microtest SDK.

Before commencing installation, please ensure your practice has the Microtest “Nov 05 Monthly Update” CD installed PLUS the “Evolution 6.3 (or Evolution Prep.)” CD. If any of these are not installed, please contact your clinical supplier.

If, at any time during this installation, you are presented with a dialog box asking for “Evolution Login Details”, please contact the Microtest helpline on 0845 345 1608. For any other problems, please contact Apollo on 0191 516 6684.

Screenshot of downloads page

It is important you read the introduction followed by the installation instructions for your clinical system. A copy of these instructions can also be downloaded from the above link.

At the bottom of this web page are the links to the download for each clinical system:

Screenshot of foot of downloads page

After reading the install instructions click on the link for your GP clinical system.

After selecting your GP clinical system, the following screen will be displayed:

Screenshot of Microtest download page

On this screen there are 2 options for download.

For GP practices with high-speed connections (faster than 128kbps) select the “Download installer” icon to download the software. On connections of this size it should take between 5 - 30 minutes to receive the file.

For GP practices with a connection (equal to or slower than than 128kbps) select the “Download Apollo client” icon. This will download the “Apollo Download Manager”.

It may take up to 2 hours to download the installation file across slow connections (equal to or slower than than 128kbps). The Download Manager ensures that if the connection is lost, it can be reinstated at the point it was lost so the GP practice does not have to re-download all the data received up to that point.

When the download of the Manager is complete it automatically downloads the installation file.

Depending on the local set up of the workstation, when clicking on the selected download icon, you may be asked if you want to “Save” or “Open” the file:

Screenshot of IE open/save file dialog

If this screen is displayed simply, click on “Open” (this software is from a trusted source and is fully virus checked)

Next, a download progress bar will be displayed:

Screenshot of IE progress screen

The size of the file will depend on which clinical system the download is for.

If you selected the “Download Apollo Client” option, when it has downloaded you will see the Manager download bar:

Screenshot of Apollo Download Client progress screen

If, whilst this is downloading, your internet connection is lost, simply repeat the download steps above to restart the download from the point the connection was lost.

When the download is complete, the installation will automatically start and the following screen will be displayed (unless stated in these instructions, as the various screens are displayed no action is required):

Screenshot of files copying

Screenshot of CodeSite install stage

Screenshot of installer welcome screen

Click “OK”

Screenshot of Firebird installer stage

Screenshot of SDK installer stage

Screenshot of installer stage 1 of 5

Screenshot of location screen

When installing the Apollo QOF software you are required to select which practice will be accessed for the required data.

When the above screen is displayed, please select the “+” sign to expand the information.

A screen as shown below will be displayed, showing the name(s) of your available practices:

Screenshot of location screen expanded

Please highlight your main site and select “OK”.

The installation process will then continue:

Screenshot of installer stage 2 of 5

Screenshot of installer stage 3 of 5

Screenshot of installer stage 4 of 5

Screenshot of installer stage 5 of 5

Screenshot of final installer screen

Select “Finish” and re-start the workstation.

Installing the reports

Download the QOF Report installer

You might receive this message

report installer download

Select "Run" and Windows XP users might receive this message

report installer download confirmation

Select "Run" and the report installer will start.

report installer 1

Click "Next"

report installer 2

Click "Next" and the reports will be installed.

You are now ready to start using the QOF Wizard. Please refer to the QOF Wizard operating instructions.

Clinical system downloads

Which Clinical system do you want to install the QOF Assessor Validation Reports Software on?

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